Monday, June 25, 2012

Moon Envy


             She was immensely jealous of her sister. Her sibling was stunning; her sheer blue skin, her billions of buzzing children. Next to her, she was barren, cold and ugly.

She watched them fascinated, always, until they came to her. She was happy but...

what are they doing? No! They’re hurting her, poking, drilling into her flesh. She endured the pain, imagining how it must feel for her big sis to be poked and drained constantly, in the deafening noise of billions of voices and foot steps. It was crushing, and she starts to feel the anger swelling inside her till she cries out, bursting violently with the same power she used to have when she was a young, burning child. She threw them all into the void, punishing them for their insolence!

And she cried for her sister...