Sunday, December 19, 2010


Frosted clouds and fleeting snows
Weak in front of you.
I'm watching you helpless
You laugh
I slip and you catch me.

My waist...your hands
My lips...your breath
Liquid...invading me,
Hot chocolate...burning chili
Cinnamon...intoxicating my senses
Your bliss!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Whisper in the winds
To round up your wings,
Set my heart on fire
Burn shades of dun blinds...

Calling you, Moon!
Blow you, sweet Earth!
Channel you, Light!
Raining you, Oceans!
Pouring you, stars!

Chanting my spell,
Make the world fall asleep,
Forget all, forget about us,
As we're creating life, my beloved!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hearts beating,
So close together.
Your hands breathing me...
I'm drowned in your embrace,
Through time, 
I'm yours.

Friday, December 3, 2010


I'm stunned...

The scent of wine,
The voice of velvet,
Deep, warming inside,
Pulls me closer,
To hear that sound,
To drink it...breathe it
It's flowing through me,
It controls me,
I forget myself...
And before I know it

You are within,

Image courtesy of

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heal Me!


Darkness moved inside me.

I'm cold...

Touch of your hands,
Let your rays caress me,
Banish the dark shade of the light,
Pull me inside you,
Douse me in your tenderness,

Fill me,

Heal me!

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Thursday, November 25, 2010


I lose my grip,
I lose my mind,
Can't fight the desire...
Touch...his lips
Hold my breath, sip the light,

Enchanted by the power
Of the magic smile.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The sky is heavy
And all the clouds are dressing it in black.

Delicate icy needles are flying in the air,
Joining the chilling whistle of the high wind.

It's coming, relentless, careless, unforgiving...
Keeping you from me,
Blowing it's frosty breath in your face
Throwing frozen crystals of ice in your path...

I pray your fire and mine turn it all into water,
I pray the flames in our hearts heat the snow
And winter allows us to meet this night,
In the middle of the blizzard,
Under her maiden protective heart.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy...and stupid :p

Starting this week, Tuesdays and Thrursdays, I'm going to watch Odyssey 5 again. I absolutely love Christopher Gorham (can you tell? LOL) and I haven't seen this show in a really long time. I've seen almost everything he's been in, on and off for the past years, but only seen Odyssey 5 once. I don't even remember what is about. Ok, kidding, I do remember what is about, but pretty much all the details are hazy. So I can't wait to see it again. The only thing I'm sorry about is that I had no idea AXN Sci Fi was showing it again, so I've missed so many episodes. Damn! As a Twitter hashtag says, #slapyourself Crys! LOL

If you love a good sci-fi, you really need to watch this show. If you're in Romania, catch it on AXN Sci Fi Tuesday and Thursday. Enjoy! I know I will!

PS: Blogger you suck for not allowing multiple posts on other pages than the Home page, booo! That's not nice!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Out of the winds of the sea,
Along with the mist and the waves,
Here comes a creature of heavens...
Her skin is as fair as the marble,
Her eyes are alive in the dark.
Her watery lips whisper songs,
The curls in her hair hide the world.

She rides on the tides of the sea,
She glides along coasts and follows the boats,
She flies in the night in our dreams
And she drips pearls of sky in our eyes. 

She softly caresses our souls,
She gives us her ardor and peace,
She watches the children asleep,
She blesses the couples with love.

The morning falls on her face,
She smiles and returns in her heart.

She travels back to the shores
And she melts in the mist and the breeze,
Leaving behind magic dust,
And whispers and giggles and laughter.

She knows we don't know,
She hopes we will know,
She'll guide us to the source,
She'll teach us the way of the soul.
She only follows her calling,
For she is the Muse of us all.

Image courtesy of

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Sun

I'm floating in nothingness
Longing for the sunlight.
It's dark, and cold, 
And I'm trying to reach him...
His Shadow feels corporeal, 
I can sense it on my heart, 
Inside him, real, alive, tormenting,
Fighting to defeat the light.

I'm sinking into him,
Drinking in his dazzle, 
Absorbing his heat, 
I overtake the Shadow, touching it
Blowing my soft breeze into it,
Dissipating it...

Till he finally turns to me, 
Incandescent, healing, shining and smiling.
The Shadow is gone!

He is the Sun,

I am his Gaia!

Image courtesy of

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Late walking in the silent darkness
Feeling chills on my body
Is there someone behind me?

A swift caress on my hair
Should I turn around?
My steps trembling
The air is alive, breathing, whispering...

Surrounding me from everywhere
Fear growing in my heart
Pounding, shouting:

Soft sough holding me back...
I can't run!
I stop walking
Gentle breath enfolding me
Frosty, tender, slipping under my clothes
My skin seems cast in stone
Scorched and icy,
Quivering and waiting...

I catch a glimpse of two sparkling eyes
So close to my frightened cheek

A spectre...

Blue sigh in my ears
A lingering scent of sweet moss
Misty savor on my shivering lips...

I've been kissed by an apparition!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Skin and my fingertips
Rime blending in our warmth
Misty twinkles on brown waves of hair

Your shimmering eyes
I'm sinking and flying

Drinking raindrops of smooth, burning lips
...I'm slipping

Don't let go!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Always You

There's someone close to you
Now a fairy,
Next a man, 
Then a moon...and another..and another...

They all absorb your presence
They're drawn to your light
You infuse their minds
You fill their hearts with delight

They need your touch on their souls
They long your energy to fuel their spirit
You are their morning sun, warm and giving

You are all that to them, and I can see you don't even know it!

I wish I could travel from body to body
To dwell in each and every one of them

Always close to you
Always embraced by you
Always merged with you

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The World...Every Day Smaller

I'm sure that if you're reading this blog entry you're basically just like me: spend a considerable amount of time on line, communicate with people in your life on a daily basis ...wait, what am I saying? You can do that even more often, with the help of the small device we all seem to love: our mobile phone, or simply via Internet, in an e-mail, on Facebook or Twitter and other social networks, and on top of that you can take the internet on the go, you don't just talk on that phone, you use it to stay on line. It's overwhelming how the world is getting smaller and smaller and we let ourselves carried away with it.

We take for granted our phones, our computers, the internet...we forget how it all started. We need it, I admit, and we went so far with it! Maybe too far?? Not so long  ago, in terms of history, a letter was the only way we could contact people that lived in another city, country, or even in our neighborhood. And when we sent a letter in another country, we'd have to wait for weeks for an answer. Today, we'd "freak out" if we had to wait for so long to hear from someone.

And to think it all started with the thin can telephone :) or "the lover's telephone", going through the electrical telegraph and finally to the telephone. I'm sure we all remember images like this :

or maybe this switchboard in an old movie:

And of course the old soon to be extinct all over the world pay phone:

Can you remember those times? Or do you need to ask your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather? I live still with pay phones around, but even those don't use coins like it used to be, they use cards. 

I'm excited to see where we're going with all this, split second communication... Are you? Should we jump into it head first? What do you think? 

Friday, June 4, 2010


I'm looking at her. She's beautiful, she's smart, confident and powerful. She wants something, she takes it and makes it her own. She can do anything, go anywhere, nothing and nobody can stop her. She feels her fears, she faces the terror. She wins, she loses... but even when she loses, she finds something to gain in her loss. So she always wins!

Can I be like her? Seems she's everything I'm not! But ...who is she?? Do I know her? Do I ?!  I should! She was born from my mind, I made her who she is. Every single thing about her comes from me: her strength, her beauty, her mind, her heart, her confidence and her boldness are all my gifts to her.

I watch her every move, she lives...through me! I guess...I know her, I see her in my mind, I feel her in my heart...she is me !! I'm all she is! 

I  AM  HER !!!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Being Locked Out of Twitter

Last night I had such a scare. It was late, I was logged in with HootSuite as usual. Suddenly, no more tweets coming. The strange thing is one of the columns was still refreshing, one of my Twitter lists. But the rest, just this: "The Twitter credentials are not valid" or something close. Also advice to update my password in HootSuite if I've recently changed my Twitter pass. But I hadn't done that. So...what the hell was happening? I try to login again, same result.

I got on Twitter's web page to login: username and password not valid. Suddenly I got scared! What had happened? Was my account hacked?? And who in the world would want to hack my account, for what?! I try with Echofon, same, I try with Twhirl, same. At this point I was imagining someone starting to tweet from my account, making sick jokes to my friends or sending spam.

Turned to Twitter's support, letting them know about the situation, and I was still scared. What if they answered too late??? Meanwhile I was checking and refreshing my Twitter page over and over. I was scared of seeing tweets that weren't mine. I know it happened before. A friend's account was hacked a while a go. The hacker tweeted as my friend's mother, supposedly letting us know that she had died in a car crash! SICK!!! Of course, it was just a joke, but such a cruel twisted one!

Checked my mail, and found the reply from Twitter, but surprise, not only that. It seems around the time they locked me out, they also sent me a warning to change my password:

"Due to concern that your account may have been compromised in a phishing attack that took place off-Twitter, your password was reset. Please create a new password by opening this link in your browser" and the link followed. I did it and immediately I was back in!

I have to say this was one of the scariest hours on the web for me! Ha, ha, ha! And I have no idea how it could have happened, I'm very careful with the apps I allow access to my account. BTW, I revoked access to all of them, the smart thing to do after this. I'll let back in the ones I trust :p

In the morning I was so relieved to see I could still log in and that nobody had tweeted while I was sleeping! All I can say, you can never be too careful with this! Be careful people, the web is full of wonders, but also of crazy sick people that have nothing better to do that mess with your mind and your web identity!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miracle cat?!

I last updated my blog when my beloved kitty, Mitzy, died. I was so sad, I still am, because I miss her. Some people will laugh at that, but honestly, I don't care!
Yesterday, the most amazing thing happened: Bobby, my first cat, returned home after 7 years! He ran away back then, I thought I'd never see him again. Even most amazing, he is Mitzy's dad! Yesterday was very emotional; he cuddled with us, he ate, he roamed the house like he had just left that day. He knew us, he answered when called, meawing and looking at us. I have no doubt that it is him! But then... he left again, and I so hope he'll come back to visit! It's less than two months since her death, it made me feel so good and strange at the same time. I imagine that somehow her sweet kitty soul went to haunt him and told him: "Daddy, go visit them, I'm gone and they're sad." And he answered: "I will, after I'm done with the ladies!" Ha, ha!
Now I find myself hoping, praying for him to come again! Please come again, Bobby!

So this is him yesterday:

And this is her:

Me, the crazy cat lady!! :D

Monday, January 25, 2010

I have a dark guardian angel: Mitzy

She was with me for 7 years. We found her roaming the garbage cans. She looked exactly like Bobby, my runaway tomcat. We remembered we saw her when she was just a little kitten, along with two others, Bobby's kids. We took her in, but but she wouldn't stay. She came only for food.
But then we noticed she was pregnant. A small cute ball of black fur. She was going to have her first babies. She wasn't yet a house cat, still came just for food and then left. But when the time came to have her babies, she came in. She gave birth to three little kittens, spotted in black and white. It happened under my eyes, on my bed. She stayed in for them since then. I fell in love with her so hard, she had the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest eyes I've ever seen in an animal. And she was loving, playful, cute, sometimes naughty and a little thief. But she was also a very good mom, very protective with her kittens. I remember one summer my mother took them all out, in the small garden behind our apartment building. A lady was walking her dog, and Mitzy started to hiss and grawl at the dog, even though it wasn't even looking towards her kittens. She looked so funny, being such a cute warrior mommy, she would have fought the dog to the death to protect her kittens.
About two years ago she was very sick, she was under treatment for one whole month, and I remember exactly her sweet eyes looking at us, begging to help, and we did. I was so happy when she got healthy again, and time passed, she living with us and two of her kids. Kids that have grown to be bigger and stronger than her, but every time she had something good to eat she'd call for them, as if they were still her little kittens, and not these big adult 7 year old cats. :)

And now... she's gone... It hurt so bad to see the life from those sweet big eyes fade away, her pupils wide open and fixed. I never thought the death of an animal could hurt like that. But it did, still does, and I think it will hurt for some time. The only thing left for me to do is to wait for the sadness to go away.
Good bye, my sweet little angel! I hope we will meet again when my time comes...